"Renewable Wellbeing" now out... and an A-Z of Wellbeing for children written with my sister Debbie Green launching on May 9th 2025 .
I am fascinated by the concept of wellbeing and linking it to prayer. Since recovering from a breakdown and founding a wellbeing charity I have found it helpful to write and share my words. I love to open up discussions about better wellbeing habits. RuthRice.author is a place to invite you into this world of wellbeing through words.
My books include
"Slow down, Show up and Pray"
"5 Ways to Inner Wellbeing"( ebook only)
"A-Z of Wellbeing "
"Renewable Wellbeing"
"A-Z of wellbeing for Children "
co written with Debbie Green. Out May 2025
(all published by Authentic Media)

It's a weird thing when your vulnerability becomes the most fruitful thing in your life. Having a breakdown several years ago whilst busy being a Christian leader, a wife, Mum and a teacher didn't seem like a good thing and I would never want to go through it again. But because of that year I discovered deeper inner habits and found ways to share my need for wellbeing within the community and church.
I didn't set out to be an author. I am just fascinated by the concept of wellbeing and the priority of prayer and what that could look like in our everyday habits.
I set up this space , RuthRice.author, with the goal of inviting others into the wellbeing conversation through the written word.
Renewable Wellbeing
New book now out. 5 Culture shifts for the church based on John's gospel

A Year of Wellbeing with the Big Church Read

Do get in touch with your local bookshop/ Christian bookshop to get hold of my books or order on line if you can't get to a bookshop.
Join the Big Church Read for one of my books https://thebigchurchread.co.uk/slow-down-show-up-and-pray/
My fantastic publishers are https://www.authenticmedia.co.uk